• Siti Yuliaty Chansa Arfah Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Harianto . Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Suharno . Institut Pertanian Bogor
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Keywords: Daya Saing, Biji Kakao, Policy Analysis Matrix, Competitiveness, Cocoa


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji daya saing komoditi kakao di Sulawesi Tengah dan melihat peran pemerintah dalam meningkatkan daya saing komoditi kakao. Data primer berasal dari observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner, sementara data sekunder berasal dari instansi terkait. Metode analisis menggunakan Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) dan analisis sensitivitas. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa nilai PCR Kabupaten Parigi Moutong 0,589 dan Kabupaten Sigi 0,396. Sedangkan nilai DRC Kabupaten Parigi Moutong 0,387 dan Kabupaten Sigi 0,319. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa usahatani komoditi kakao di Sulawesi Tengah memiliki daya saing, namun tidak menguntungkan secara ekonomi karena Sulawesi Tengah menghasilkan biji kakao yang tidak difermentasi akibatnya petani menerima harga rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pemerintah belum memberikan proteksi terhadap harga biji kakao dalam negeri melalui harga referensi biji kakao sehingga harga biji kakao didaerah penelitian masih tergolong rendah jika dibandingkan dengan harga di pasar internasional. Sementara terhadap input, pemerintah telah memberikan kebijakan subsidi kepada petani, namun implementasinya masih perlu perbaikan terutama terkait penyaluran dan pengelolaan bantuan agar merata. Kajian ini merekomendasikan masih diperlukan kebijakan pemerintah baik terhadap input maupun output untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, menurunkan biaya produksi dan menaikkan harga jual biji kakao, sehingga dapat meningkatkan daya saing biji kakao.


The purpose of this study is to assess the competitiveness of cocoa in Central Sulawesi and to investigate the role of government in improving the competitiveness of cocoa. The primary data were generated through observation, interviews and some questionnaires. The secondary data were obtained from the agency or the institution related to the research. This study uses the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and sensitivity analysis. The study found that the PCR value for Parigi Moutong district was 0.589 and Sigi district was 0.396. While, the DRC value for Parigi Moutong district was 0.387 and Sigi district was 0.319. This indicates that cocoa beans farming in Central Sulawesi has competitiveness, but not economically beneficial because Central Sulawesi produces unfermented cocoa beans consequently farmers receive low prices. Based on the results of the government's impact on output analysis, the government did not provide protection for domestic cocoa seed prices through the reference price of cocoa beans, consequently the price of domestic cocoa beans, particularly in the research area, was relatively low compared to the price of cocoa beans at the international market. Seen from the government policy on inputs, the government have provided subsidies to farmers but they need to improve the distribution and management of aid to be evenly distributed. It is necessary to set up good government policy on inputs and outputs in order to increase cocoa seed productivity, decrease production cost and increase the price which simultaneously can improve its competitiveness in the research location.

Author Biographies

Siti Yuliaty Chansa Arfah, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Program Studi Agribisnis, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Harianto ., Institut Pertanian Bogor
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor
Suharno ., Institut Pertanian Bogor
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor


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