Research articles on the trade, form, content, and learning of Ministry Of Trade literature.
Translations of poetry and prose spanning the full scope of Ministry Of Trade.
Essays on current issues in the study, appreciation, and analysis of Ministry Of Trade literature.
Jurnal Cendekia Niaga is a journal managed by the Center for Education and Training Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia. First published in 2016 with ISSN 2548-3137 (Print) and later on it is published on Open Journal System in 2019 with e-ISSN 2548-3145. This journal contains articles on Trade studies and development with the scope of domestic and international trade and economics, and human resources capacity development including Domestic Trade and Consumer Protection, International Trade Cooperation, Trade Remedies, Trade-related human resources competency development, and Small Medium Enterprises. Cendekia Niaga receives manuscripts written either in English or Bahasa Indonesia that have not been published in journals/proceedings or any other scholarly publications. Cendekia Niaga published twice a year and indexed in Garuda, Google Scholar, PKP Index and SINTA. Cendekia Niaga: Journal of Trade Development and Studies is accredited SINTA 5 by the Directorate of Research, Technology and Higher Education the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education since Vol.4 No. 1/2020 to Vol. 8 No. 2/2024.
Development Center of Metrological Resources (PPSDK) receive scientific papers from Metrological Human Resources, lecturers, researchers, certain functional officials, as well as from other general writers, including undergraduate and postgraduate students. Manuscripts that can be published in the Insan Metrology Journal are research manuscripts and review types. The Insan Metrology Journal is published regularly twice a year.