• Sutriono Edi Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Hermanto Siregar Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Lukman Mohammad Baga Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Arif Imam Suroso Institut Pertanian Bogor
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Keywords: Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan, Sistem Resi Gudang, Kerja sama, Rantai Pasok Rumput Laut, Stakeholder Analysis, Receipt System, Cooperation, Seaweed Supply Chain



Rantai pasok rumput laut nasional meliputi berbagai tahapan dan subsistem yang terkait satu dengan lainnya. Pemahaman keberadaan dan peran para pemangku kepentingan menjadi penting dalam integrasi pengembangan rumput laut nasional dari hulu ke hilir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan pemangku kepentingan dan menganalisis hubungan antara peran, kepentingan dan kerja sama antara pemangku kepentingan dalam rantai pasok rumput laut nasional berbasis Sistem Resi Gudang (SRG). Analisis hubungan dilakukan melalui metode pemetaan kuadran pemangku kepentingan. Hasil analisis terhadap 15 pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat menunjukkan bahwa koordinasi dan kerja sama antara para pemangku kepentingan dalam rantai pasok masih lemah. Perlu beberapa strategi pendekatan untuk menjaga komunikasi dan koordinasi bagi para pemangku kepentingan terutama pada kuadran IV (closely manage/promoter) yang memiliki kepentingan dan pengaruh tinggi. Strategi penting yang dilakukan adalah melibatkan para pemangku kepentingan tersebut dengan intensif dan memengaruhi mereka secara aktif untuk mendukung integrasi hulu sampai dengan hilir rantai pasok rumput laut. Perlu suatu sistem rantai pasok yang integratif  termasuk pemasarannya, serta pemanfaatan sistem Informasi Teknologi (IT) untuk dapat memberikan wadah komunikasi guna sinkronisasi, kerja sama, dan koordinasi antar para pemangku kepentingan dalam mengadapi era revolusi industri 4.0 sehingga rantai pasok pengembangan rumput laut dapat berjalan baik, efisien dan adil bagi semua pihak.

Kata kunci: Analisis Pemangku Kepentingan, Sistem Resi Gudang, Kerja Sama, Rantai Pasok Rumput Laut.



The national seaweed supply chain includes various stages and subsystems that are related to one another. Thus, understanding of stakeholders’ existence, as well as their role, is important in the integration of national seaweed development from upstream to downstream sides. This paper aims to map the stakeholders and analyze the relationship between roles, interests, and cooperation among stakeholders on the condition of the national seaweed supply chain based on the warehouse receipt system. The relationship analysis among stakeholders used through the stakeholders’ quadrant mapping method. The results of the analysis of the 15 stakeholders involved showed that coordination and cooperation between stakeholders in the supply chain for seaweed development still needs to be improved. It is important to approach this matter through strategies in order to maintain communication and coordination for stakeholders, especially in quadrant IV (closely manage’ or ‘promotors’) where their interests are high, and their power is also high. An essential strategy is to involve these stakeholders intensively and actively influence them to continue to support the integration of upstream to downstream seaweed supply chains. Based on this, an integrated supply chain system is needed including marketing and utilization of Information Technology (IT) systems to provide communication channels for synchronization, collaboration, and coordination among stakeholders in industry revolution 4.0 so that the supply chain for seaweed development can run well, efficient and fairly for all parties.

Keywords: Stakeholder Analysis, Warehouse Receipt System, Cooperation, Seaweed Supply Chain

JEL Classification: D2, L5, M10, Q13


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