This analysis aims to identify priority countries for developing exports of halal product and examine the potential impact of the mandatory of halal certification policy that specifically focuses on food and beverage products. In identifying export destination countries, this analysis uses a Composite Index using variables that describe the demand and supply side of a country. Meanwhile, to analyze the impact of the halal mandatory certification policy, the cost and benefit analysis (CBA) method is used, which includes potential economic impacts derived from computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and information gained from businesses through FGD and surveys. Key findings highlight Malaysia, Turkey, UAE, Thailand, Iran, and Saudi Arabia as priority countries for halal product exports. Moreover, the CBA results show that the implementation of the halal mandatory certification policy for food and beverage products, can provide potential benefits such as increasing of trade balance surplus by USD 18.61 million, increasing consumer’s assurance on halal product, and developing the Indonesia as the center of the world's halal industry. However, policy implementation also has the potential costs, for instance decrease of GDP by -0.05% YoY and an increase of inflation by 0.07% YoY. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate an appropriate implementation strategy by adhering prudence principle to mitigate the risks by providing the transition period and the implementation of risk management.
Keywords: Halal Products, Halal Certification, CBA Analysis
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