Indonesia plans to impose import duties on electronic transmission trade (digital products). The policy is deemed necessary, among other things, to obtain statistical records of electronic transmission trade flows and to encourage Small and Medium Enterprises to develop software. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the opportunities and impacts of the import duty policy. The SWOT analysis results show that Indonesia's position to impose an import duty policy on digital products is a Strength (S)-Opportunity (O). The implementation of the import duty policy will have an impact on decreasing exports and imports of Indonesian digital products. However, the decrease in imports is more significant than that of exports so that it can encourage domestic production. In addition, the government can earn income from import duties. Thus, Indonesia can impose import duties or not extend the moratorium on electronic transactions. To ensure that goods from domestic business actors can compete and substitute imported goods, the government must provide support in the form of increasing supporting infrastructure such as internet accessibility, improving the quality of human resources through the provision of formal and informal training by market demand, the existence of regional regulations governing the development of the creative economy because of the large number of business actors in the regions, and tax incentive policies. Implementing the import duties must consider the interests of domestic consumers.
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