Peer Review Process

  • Review of the manuscript is done by double-blind review system.
  • Neither the author nor peer reviewer not mutually known each other's identity
  • The manuscript is reviewed by at least by two peer reviewers. If there is a difference in opinion between the two reviewers, the text will be assessed by third peer reviewer as a basis for acceptance/rejection of the manuscript.
  • The review process of the manuscript will take no later than 3 weeks after the draft is received.
  • The assessment criteria of the manuscript are by considering the appropriateness of the title, problems, goals, methods, discussion and conclusions; originality; recency of bibliography; and plagiarism.
  • Peer reviewer can provide assessment using track changes for a manuscript which is submitted in the form of Ms.Word, besides the reviewer should also fill out a review form that has been prepared by the Editor.
  • Final decision for published article in the journal is taken through an Editorial Board Meeting