Insan Metrologi2022-09-01T17:38:29+07:00Permadikerjasama.ppsdk@kemendag.go.idOpen Journal Systems<div class="post-body"> <div><span style="float: left; padding: 0px 9px 5px 0px; margin-right: 18px; width: 180px; height: 229px; border-right: 1px solid #7e7e7e;"> <img style="height: 100%; width: 170px;" src="/public/site/images/dedikuswandi/1.jpg" alt="" width="231px" height="231px"></span>Development Center of Metrological Resources (PPSDK) receive scientific papers from Metrological Human Resources, lecturers, researchers, certain functional officials, as well as from other general writers, including undergraduate and postgraduate students. Manuscripts that can be published in the Insan Metrology Journal are research manuscripts and review types. The Insan Metrology Journal is published regularly twice a year.<a style="display: block; float: left; font-size: 12px; padding: 8px 20px; width: 100%; color: #000; letter-spacing: 0.5px; border: 1px solid #293d9b; margin-top: 13px; margin-bottom: 12px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center;" rel="noopener">ISSN ONLINE: 2828-2035</a></div> </div> <p><input id="ext" type="hidden" value="1"><input id="ext" type="hidden" value="1"></p> OF MASS QUANTITY MEASUREMENT PROTOTYPE FOR LPG 3 kg PREPACKAGED USING PRESSURE MEASUREMENT METHOD2022-09-01T17:30:50+07:00Robith<p>Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is one of prepackaged product known as BDKT which is widely used by society. Legal Metrology is regulating prepackaged companies to fulfill for sale prepackaged conformity in order to protect public interest through verifying the correctness of the prepackaged quantity. The application of the weighing method test has many shortcomings in terms of time, effort, and costs incurred. This research analyzes how to get the actual quantity of LPG products based on gas pressure using the ideal gas principle and makes a prototype by utilizing pressure sensor technology and microcontroller-based programming. The results of this research are a prototype to determine the mass of LPG gas in units of weight by using gas pressure measurements. The prototype is expected to be able to eliminate the shortcomings in testing the quantity of prepackaged using the weighing method test. The difference in pressure measurement of the prototype compared with a manometer is -0.05 atm. Measuring the mass value of LPG gas is done at 3 (three) different volume values reference with results of 0.249%, 0.430% and 0.618% for the nominal quantity value of 3 kg LPG.</p>2022-08-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 Insan Metrologi PPSDK POSISI PEMASANGAN METER AIR RUMAH TANGGA PADA WATER METER TEST BENCH TERHADAP HASIL PENGUJIAN2022-09-01T17:30:50+07:00Aditya Galuh Prakosoadityagaluhprakoso@gmal.comEka<p>The water meter testing process by the Legal Metrology Unit is carried out on a water meter test bench which may consist of one or two test lines. Several water meters can be tested in series on each test. The position of the water meter installation on the test bench is one of the factors that can affect the results of the water meter test. This study aims to determine the effect of the installation position of the water meter on the test bench on the test results. Based on the test results that have been obtained on the water meter test in position 1 (close to the delivery faucet) and at position 2 (far from the delivery faucet) it can be seen that the effect of the largest error is in the flow of the minimum flow velocity Q1. The error value of the minimum flow rate Q1 in testing position 1 (close to the faucet) is 5.3% greater than the error in testing position 2 (far from the delivery faucet).</p>2022-08-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 Insan Metrologi PPSDK BANDING LABORATORIUM DIGITAL MULTIMETER ANTARA U-LAB PT PJB UMRO DAN PT. PLN PUSERTI2022-09-01T17:30:51+07:00Lukluk<p><em>U-LAB PT PJB UMRO and PT. PLN Pusertif have conducted and carried out a digital multimeter </em>comparative test bilaterally where the SNSU Lab is the provider of reference values in the comparative test process. The digital multimeter calibration is carried out at the SNSU Lab at the beginning and end of the comparative test circulation process and is carried out in accordance with the procedures used in digital multimeter calibration in calibration work in their respective laboratories. In the comparative test, the En value is -0.35 to 0.07 at the point of measuring DC voltage, DC current so that it is in accordance with the Reference lab while for the resistance parameter there is a relatively large En value of 6.8 at the value 10 Ω resistance parameter for U-LAB</p>2022-08-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 Insan Metrologi PPSDK POSITIF PEMBENTUKAN UNIT METROLOGI LEGAL DI KABUPATEN/KOTA TERHADAP PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN DAN PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI2022-09-01T17:30:51+07:00rifan<p><em>Measurements in related to public have a significant impact on the social and economic of a society. In general, three major issues were obtained from this study, firstly, the establishment of local verification offices at city/municipal level seem to boost the improvement of verification performance. Second, the verification performance is likely to have a positive impact on increasing consumer confidence in related to the use of measuring instruments. This shows that the service done by local verification offices tends to have a positive impact on consumer protection. Third, the improvement in verification performance of local verification offices is likely to have a positive effect on increasing the level of consumer consumption. This shows that the efforts of the Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Compliance to increase the establishment of local verification offices have an influence on economic growth with the level of consumer consumption as an indicator.</em></p> <p><em>This paper describes the impact of the strategy undertaken by the Directorate General of Consumer Protection and Trade Compliance of the Ministry of Trade to provide consumer protection and increase economic growth through increasing consumer confidence in transactions. Based on the impact analysis, it is hoped that the strategies that have been carried out can be used as the basis for planning and evaluation so that existing strategies can continue to be developed to answer specific needs for consumers to become more empowered and for business to be more responsible for meeting requirements. Furthermore, it can be used to respond to various problems that arise due to technological advances, changes in the government system, and others</em></p>2022-08-31T21:55:35+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 Insan Metrologi PPSDK EFEKTIFITAS SOSIALISASI METROLOGI LEGAL DI MEDIA SOSIAL2022-09-01T17:30:51+07:00Arif<p class="abstrak">Instagram is a photo and video sharing social networking service can used to visual interactive promotion. Instagram also used by government to promote their regulation to public. Because pandemic covid-19, offline interaction is limited, so that the use of Instagram for promote the regulation has increased sharply, especially in the field of legal metrology. At this time, there are 4.680 post at Instagram with hashtag #metrologi and number of users related with legal metrology keep growing, @bsmlyogya is one of them. This research will take a case study on Instagram account @bsmlyogya analyzed using Insight tools to find out the effectiveness of BSML Regional II promotion on social media. Take data from December 23, 2021 to March 21, 2022, @bsmlyogya’s post has been viewed 16,401 times by 1.608 users with 76,6% non-followers. That is @bsmlyogya’s post mostly seen by people outside of legal metrology circle.</p>2022-08-31T13:27:48+07:00Copyright (c) 2022 Insan Metrologi PPSDK