Trade Policy Journal 2024-12-31T15:52:29+07:00 Sekretariat Badan Kebijakan Perdagangan Open Journal Systems <div class="post hentry uncustomized-post-template" style="text-align: justify;"><span style="float: left; padding: 0px 9px 5px 0px; margin-right: 18px; width: 180px; height: 229px; border-right: 1px solid #7e7e7e;"> <img style="height: 100%; width: 170px;" src="" alt="" width="231px" height="231px"></span>Trade Policy Journal is a journal managed by the Trade Policy Agency of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. First published in 2022 using the <em>Open Journal System.</em> This journal contains articles on trade issues and policies within the scope of domestic and international trade and economics. Trade Policy Journal accepts manuscripts written in Indonesian and English that have never been published in journals/proceedings or other scientific publications.</div> <div><a class="read-more" style="display: block; float: left; font-size: 12px; padding: 8px 20px; width: 100%; color: #000; letter-spacing: 0.5px; border: 1px solid #293d9b; margin-top: 13px; margin-bottom: 12px; box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center;">ISSN ONLINE: 2964-8394</a></div> ANALISIS REKOMENDASI KEBIJAKAN PENGEMBANGAN KINERJA PERDAGANGAN LUAR NEGERI PRODUK HALAL INDONESIA 2024-12-31T15:43:55+07:00 Septika Tri Ardiyanti Yuliana Epianingsih Rizka Isditami Syarif Gideon Wahyu Putra <p>This analysis aims to identify priority countries for developing exports of halal product and examine the potential impact of the mandatory of halal certification policy that specifically focuses on food and beverage products. In identifying export destination countries, this analysis uses a Composite Index using variables that describe the demand and supply side of a country. Meanwhile, to analyze the impact of the halal mandatory certification policy, the cost and benefit analysis (CBA) method is used, which includes potential economic impacts derived from computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and information gained from businesses through FGD and surveys. Key findings highlight Malaysia, Turkey, UAE, Thailand, Iran, and Saudi Arabia as priority countries for halal product exports. Moreover, the CBA results show that the implementation of the halal mandatory certification policy for food and beverage products, can provide potential benefits such as increasing of trade balance surplus by USD 18.61 million, increasing consumer’s assurance on halal product, and developing the Indonesia as the center of the world's halal industry. However, policy implementation also has the potential costs, for instance decrease of GDP by -0.05% YoY and an increase of inflation by 0.07% YoY. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate an appropriate implementation strategy by adhering prudence principle to mitigate the risks by providing the transition period and the implementation of risk management.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Keywords: </strong>Halal Products, Halal Certification, CBA Analysis</p> 2024-12-31T14:48:31+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Trade Policy Journal ANALISIS KEMUNGKINAN PENERAPAN OPEN PROTOCOL E-COMMERCE DI INDONESIA 2024-12-31T15:47:28+07:00 Priyo Supriyanto Molid Nurman Hadi <p>Struktur <em>e-commerce</em> dunia, termasuk di Indonesia umumnya menganut mekanisme <em>Closed Loop Ecosystem</em> (CLE) dimana setiap<em> platform e-commerce </em>menciptakan ekosistemnya sendiri, mengekstraksinya sendiri serta membangun tembok pembatas yang meminimalisasi adanya interaksi antar ekosistem. Dalam jangka panjang, struktur ini berpotensi menciptakan persaingan usaha tidak sehat. Saat ini, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian telah menyusun Buku Putih Strategi Nasional Pengembangan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia 2030, yang salah satunya mengamanatkan Kementerian Perdagangan untuk mengembangkan mekanisme <em>open protocol</em> untuk <em>e-commerce</em> yang mampu menghubungkan penjual dari berbagai <em>platform</em> dalam suatu mekanisme terpadu. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemungkinan penerapan inisiatif kebijakan <em>open protocol</em> pada sektor <em>e-commerce</em> di Indonesia. Hasil analisis disktriptif yang dilengkapi dengan <em>cost &amp; benefit</em> <em>analysis </em>serta <em>lesson learn</em> dari Pemerintah India, menunjukkan bahwa inisiatif kebijakan <em>Open Protocol E-Commerce</em> memungkinkan untuk diimplementasikan di Indonesia dengan beberapa kondisi yang perlu dipenuhi, antara lain: penyempurnaan kebijakan terkait perlindungan konsumen, persaingan usaha, keamanan siber, penguatan dan inklusivitas Sistem Pembayaran Nasional Indonesia, <em>single national e-invoice</em>, menyusun kebijakan untuk mendukung percepatan implementasi protokol terbuka, serta meningkatkan kepastian hukum implementasi kebijakan yang tegas dan adil.</p> <p><em>The world's e-commerce structure, including in Indonesia, generally adheres to the Closed Loop Ecosystem (CLE) mechanism where each e-commerce platform creates its own ecosystem. In the long term, this structure has the potential to create unfair business competition. The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs has prepared a White Paper on the National Strategy for Development of the Indonesian Digital Economy 2030, one of which mandates the Ministry of Trade to develop an open protocol mechanism for e-commerce that is able to connect sellers from various platforms in an integrated mechanism. This analysis aims to see the possibility of implementing open protocol policy initiatives in the e-commerce sector in Indonesia. The results of the cost &amp; benefit analysis as well as lessons learned from the Government of India, show that the Open Protocol E-Commerce policy initiative is possible to be implemented in Indonesia with several conditions that need to be met, including: improving policies related to consumer protection, business competition, cyber security, strengthening and inclusiveness of the Indonesian National Payment System, single national e-invoice, formulating policies to support the accelerated implementation of open protocols, and increasing legal certainty for firm and fair policy implementation. </em></p> 2024-12-31T14:52:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Trade Policy Journal PERSEPSI EKSPORTIR DALAM MENDORONG PRODUKTIVITAS EKSPOR: STUDI KASUS CIREBON, PADANG, MANGGARAI BARAT DAN TANGERANG 2024-12-31T15:50:09+07:00 Fitria Faradila Hasni Sefiani Rayadiani Tarman <p><strong>Ringkasan Eksekutif </strong></p> <p>Ekspor memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi suatu negara. Lebih lanjut, ekspor menjadi salah satu pilar utama dalam pembangunan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan. Peningkatan produktivitas ekspor adalah kunci utama dalam memperkuat posisi suatu negara di pasar global. Namun demikian, di tengah masih bertahannya kinerja ekspor Indonesia dalam ketidakpastian global, pelaku usaha di nasional masih harus menghadapi beberapa permasalahan dalam memacu ekspornya. Analisis ini dilakukan untuk melihat persepsi eksportir Indonesia mengenai posisi daya saing ekspornya dibandingkan dengan negara pesaing lainnya di pasar global serta dukungan yang dibutuhkan dalam rangka mendorong produktivitas ekspor nasional. Untuk menangkap informasi dari sisi eksportir tersebut, maka dilakukan survei data primer analisis review kinerja ekspor impor kepada 22 pelaku usaha yang dilakukan pada periode Februari – Juli 2024 di empat lokasi, seperti Cirebon, Padang, Labuan Bajo, dan Tangerang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskripsi dengan memberikan narasi atas hasil survei dan digambarkan melalui infografis. Berdasarkan hasil survei, sebagian besar eksportir menilai bahwa aspek bantuan Pemerintah negara pesaing dan kontinuitas pasokan bahan baku merupakan kedua faktor utama unggulnya negara pesaing. Selain itu, ekspotir menilai bahwa dukungan Pemerintah yang sangat krusial untuk diupayakan untuk mendorong produktivitas ekspor adalah ketersediaan akses dan sarana transportasi berupa kemitraan dengan perusahaan transportasi, membangun infrastruktur logisitik yang terintegrasi dan membuka rute perjalanan langsung. Ekspotir menilai bahwa akses logistik ini sangat penting untuk menunjang aktivitas ekspor.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Executive Summary</strong></p> <p><em>Exports play a crucial role in driving a country's economic growth. Furthermore, exports are one of the main pillars in sustainable economic development. Increasing export productivity is the key to strengthening a country's position in the global market. However, amid the ongoing uncertainty in global exports, domestic businesses in Indonesia still face several challenges in boosting their exports. This analysis was conducted to examine the perceptions of Indonesian exporters regarding their export competitiveness compared to other competing countries in the global market and the support needed to drive national export productivity. To capture information from the exporter's perspective, a primary data survey analysis of export-import performance reviews was conducted on 22 businesses in February-July 2024 in four locations: Cirebon, Padang, Labuan Bajo, and Tangerang. The analysis method used was descriptive analysis, providing a narrative of the survey results and illustrated through infographics. Based on the survey results, most exporters assessed that government assistance from competing countries and the continuity of raw material supply were the two main factors in the superiority of competing countries. In addition, exporters considered that government support, which is crucial to be sought after to boost export productivity, is the availability of access and transportation facilities in the form of partnerships with transportation companies, building integrated logistics infrastructure, and opening direct routes. Exporters consider that this logistics access is very important to support export activities.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T14:59:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Trade Policy Journal PELUANG DAN DAMPAK PERMANEN MORATORIUM CUSTOM DUTY ON ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION (CDET) 2024-12-31T15:51:29+07:00 Dian Dwi Laksani Widyasari Nisa Atmojo Lutfia Hakim Banu Mustain Dian Verawati Panjaitan <p><em>Indonesia plans to impose import duties on electronic transmission trade (digital products). The policy is deemed necessary, among other things, to obtain statistical records of electronic transmission trade flows and to encourage Small and Medium Enterprises to develop software. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the opportunities and impacts of the import duty policy. The SWOT analysis results show that Indonesia's position to impose an import duty policy on digital products is a Strength (S)-Opportunity (O). The implementation of the import duty policy will have an impact on decreasing exports and imports of Indonesian digital products. However, the decrease in imports is more significant than that of exports so that it can encourage domestic production. In addition, the government can earn income from import duties. Thus, Indonesia can impose import duties or not extend the moratorium on electronic transactions. To ensure that goods from domestic business actors can compete and substitute imported goods, the government must provide support in the form of increasing supporting infrastructure such as internet accessibility, improving the quality of human resources through the provision of formal and informal training by </em><em>market demand, the existence of regional regulations governing the development of the creative economy because of the large number of business actors in the regions, and tax incentive policies. Implementing the import duties must consider the interests of domestic consumers.</em></p> 2024-12-31T14:55:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Trade Policy Journal ANALISIS OPTIMALISASI PELAPORAN DISTRIBUSI BARANG KEBUTUHAN POKOK DAN BARANG PENTING OLEH DISTRIBUTOR PERDAGANGAN BESAR 2024-12-31T15:52:29+07:00 Bagus Wicaksena Niche Evandani Primasita Amarta Putri <p><strong>Ringkasan Eksekutif</strong></p> <p>Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No 22 Tahun 2021 Tentang Tata Cara Pelaporan Distribusi Barang Kebutuhan Pokok dan Barang Penting belum optimal. Secara nasional hanya sekitar 0,3% pelaku usaha dari total jumlah pelaku usaha dengan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB) KBLI 46 yang pernah melakukan pelaporan kepada Menteri walaupun belum secara periodik sesuai dengan ketentuan. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap kemungkinan alternatif kebijakan dan pemilihan kebijakan terbaik dalam hal optimalisasi tata cara pelaporan distribusi. Berdasarkan pendekatan <em>Regulatory Impact Assestment/Analysist</em> (RIA), direkomendasikan bahwa pelibatan pemerintah daerah dalam hal pendataan, bimbingan teknis dan pendampingan, serta pemantauan (<em>monitoring</em>) terhadap pelaku usaha diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan pelaporan distribusi barang kebutuhan pokok dan barang penting dalam revisi Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No 22 Tahun 2021</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Pelaporan Distribusi, <em>Regulatory Impact Assestment/Analysist</em>, Peraturan Menteri Perdagangan No 22 Tahun 2021 &nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Executive Summary</em></strong></p> <p><em>Implementation of Minister of Trade Regulation No. 22 of 2021 concerning Procedures for Reporting the Distribution of Basic Necessities and Important Goods has not been optimally implemented. As of 2023, only around 0.3% of obligatory distributors with Business Identification Number (NIB) KBLI 46 complied to provide their distribution report to the Minister, though they have not reported periodically in accordance with the provisions. This analysis aims to assess possible policy alternatives and select the best policy in terms of optimizing distribution reporting procedures. Based on the Regulatory Impact Assessment/Analysis (RIA) approach, it is recommended that the involvement of local governments in terms of data collection, technical guidance and assistance, as well as monitoring of business actors is needed to optimize reporting on the distribution of basic necessities and important goods to be put in the revision of Minister of Trade Regulation No. 22 of 2021</em></p> <p><strong><em>Key Words:</em></strong><em> Distribution Report, </em><em>Regulatory Impact Assestment/Analysist</em>, <em>Minister of Trade Regulation No. 22 of 2021</em></p> 2024-12-31T15:01:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Trade Policy Journal