The Importance Of Education To Understand Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)

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Kumara Jati
Arie Mardiansyah
Muhammad Fawaiq
Steven Raja Ingot


Education is a very essential factor in human life, because if someone get the certain knowledge then they will be able to make a better decision, self empowerment and aware of rules and regulations in the world. Two of the important regulations related to international trade are coming from The World Trade Organization (WTO) and Trade Facilitation Agreement  (TFA).  Indonesia  has  ratified  the  Trade  Facilitation  Agreement  (TFA)  on  5

December 2017. The new agreement related to WTO and TFA needed to be learnt and teach with a good Education Model. The most important role of skill policies and education in globalization era is its role in facilitating the international flow of ideas. This research can fill the  gap  to  make  an  Educational  Model  of  TFA  based  on  Non-Juridical  and  Juridical Education. Both factors become very important things because the stakeholders can use this model to more quickly and easily understand the substance of TFA, so that Indonesia can fully implement the TFA commitments in the digital database WTO in the year 2022.

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